Female Pattern Hair Loss
Female Pattern Hair Loss/Baldness also called Androgenetic Alopecia, is hair loss that affects women increasingly in todays life style changes. It’s similar to male pattern baldness, except that women can lose their hair in a different pattern than men.
Hair loss in women is normal, especially as you age. Up to two-thirds of women experience hair loss after menopause. Less than half of women will make it past age 65 with a full head of hair, but now a days due to hormonal and lifestyle pattern hair loss happens at the early 20s.
Female Pattern Baldness is hereditary. It’s more common after menopause, due to hormonal changes. If you notice that you’re losing hair, see your doctor or a Trichologist. They will be able to determine if you’re experiencing Female Pattern Baldness or another type of hair loss.
In female pattern baldness, the hair’s growing phase slows down. It also takes longer for new hair to begin growing. Hair follicles shrink, leading the hair that does grow to be thinner and finer. This can result in hair that easily breaks.
It’s normal for women to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, but those with female pattern baldness can lose many more.
Three types of female pattern baldness:
Woman are less likely to go completely bald, but you may have a lot of thinning throughout your hair. The sooner you get treated, the faster you’ll be able to stop the loss — and possibly even regrow hair.
PCOS Hair Loss and Hair Care
PCOS Hair Loss and Hair Care
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women, affecting 5-10% of reproductive-aged women. Diagnosis is generally made based on the presence of irregular menstrual periods, elevated male hormone levels (androgens), and polycystic ovaries. PCOS is associated with obesity, hair loss, ACNE, insulin-resistance, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. These metabolic and reproductive abnormalities predispose women to developing infertility and endometrial cancer, which is why early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are so important.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Hair Loss
Pregnancy and Postpartum Hair Loss
pregnancy and postpartum hair loss is a common issue. As your due date draws near, you’re probably looking forward to losing your big belly and extra baby weight.
But there’s one thing you may not look forward to losing: Your thick, shiny pregnancy locks.
It’s not your imagination. Most women find that pregnancy makes their hair thicker. And it’s not the stress of having a newborn that’s making your hair fall out! Here’s what’s up with your pregnancy hair, what you can expect postpartum, and what you can do about it.
How Hormones Affect Your Hair
Hormones are the biggest reason for your pregnancy hair changes and postpartum hair loss. During pregnancy, your high levels of estrogen prevented your usual rate of hair loss. Normally, your hair falls out in small amounts every day. During pregnancy, your hair loss decreases. The effect is compounded by your increased blood volume and circulation, which also causes your hair to fall out less than normal.
So after your baby arrives and your hormone levels drop, your hair makes up for lost time by falling out in much bigger clumps than it normally does. The total volume of your hair loss probably isn’t more than you would have lost over the last nine months, it just seems like it because it’s happening all at once.
Postpartum hair loss can set in any day after your baby arrives, and it sometimes continues as long as a year. It usually peaks around the 4-month mark, so if your baby is a few months old and you’re still losing clumps of hair, that doesn’t mean it’s time to panic!
Hair Loss Due to Menopause
Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It’s diagnosed after you’ve gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States.
Menopause is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health. There are many effective treatments available, from lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy.